Wednesday, 25 February 2009

To do list for the rest of this week

PhD related:
  • Read through the sections on algorithmic composition again in the Roads book, to follow up on the work I've been doing
  • Go back to the Graeme Ritchie paper on evaluating creativity using quantitative methods (+ related papers such as the one by Pease et al from an earlier conference)
  • Do a search on papers discussing evaluation in creativity
  • Do a brain storm on what the boundaries of my PhD are
  • Read relevant sections in the following books, then RETURN them: Computers and Creativity, Tree of Knowledge
  • Go through Nick's chapter(s) again and actually make some notes this time
  • Do a brain storm on the story-telling project and what has come out of it
  • Read one cheeky little sound synthesis article, just to keep this fresh in my mind as I seem to be making progress here :)
Funding related:
  • Fill out and send off Hilda Martindale fund form
  • Print out forms for Richard Stapley Fund and FfWG
  • Get BFWG form and any other app forms I still need to get
  • Update blog with current applications list
Non-PhD related:
  • MARKING :( logic programming, advanced tech communications, careers development courses
  • Fill out presentation marks for program design
  • RC work
  • Arrange flute lesson for potential new pupil - DONE while I'm writing this! :)

1 comment:

  1. PhD related:

    * Read through the sections on algorithmic composition again in the Roads book, to follow up on the work I've been doing DOING TODAY/TOMORROW AM
    * Go back to the Graeme Ritchie paper on evaluating creativity using quantitative methods (+ related papers such as the one by Pease et al from an earlier conference) TO DO BEFORE MEETING WITH NICK
    * Do a search on papers discussing evaluation in creativity DO NEXT WEEK
    * Do a brain storm on what the boundaries of my PhD are TO DO BEFORE MEETING WITH NICK
    * Read relevant sections in the following books, then RETURN them: Computers and Creativity, Tree of Knowledge KEEPING COMP+CREATIVITY, RETURNING VARELA TODAY
    * Go through Nick's chapter(s) again and actually make some notes this time HALF DONE - FINISH TONIGHT
    * Do a brain storm on the story-telling project and what has come out of it NEXT WEEK
    * Read one cheeky little sound synthesis article, just to keep this fresh in my mind as I seem to be making progress here :) DOING NOW

    Funding related:

    * Fill out and send off Hilda Martindale fund form DONE
    * Print out forms for Richard Stapley Fund and FfWG DONE
    * Get BFWG form and any other app forms I still need to get DONE
    * Update blog with current applications list DONE

    Non-PhD related:

    * MARKING :( logic programming, advanced tech communications, careers development courses ALL DONE EXCEPT CDC
    * Fill out presentation marks for program design DOING NOW
    * RC work DONE
    * Arrange flute lesson for potential new pupil - DONE while I'm writing this! :)
