Tuesday, 12 May 2009


Went to a fairly non-eventful research training session today, on scientific writing. Beyond this quite useful wikiversity link on how to write in a scientific way, the only real benefit I got from this (apart from a break from marking!) was to think about what journals I want to be aiming for, for publication.

As my research focus has shifted away from music and towards creativity and evaluation this year, many of the journals I have been used to looking at have become less relevant. So now I've set up some content alerts for some new journals and need to get used to looking at different journals (ideally I want to set aside some time for this each week to browse some journal content).

Here's a list of the journals that are quite relevant for me (along with some journals on music/AI that I prob will still find interesting but not necessarily useful for my current work):
  • Creativity Research Journal (impact factor 0.57)
  • Lecture notes in AI
  • Lecture notes in CS (probably not so relevant anymore really)
  • Leonardo (and related journals)
  • Digital Creativity
  • Cognitive Science (impact factor 2.179)
  • Topics in Cognitive Science (impact factor 9.389)
  • Cognitive Science: A multidisciplinary journal
  • Minds and Machines
  • Journal of Creative Behaviour (0.429) (we don't get it)
  • Creativity
  • Creative Review (not peer reviewed, doesn't look that relevant)
  • Psychology of aesthetics, creativity and the arts
  • Evaluation
  • Evaluation review
  • Research evaluation

  • AISB quarterly (not really a journal..!)
Music-related journals:
  • Journal of New Music Research
  • Computer Music Journal
  • Psychology of Music
  • Music Perception
  • Musicae Scientae
  • Journal of interdisciplinary music studies
  • Journal of music and meaning
  • Contemporary music review

1 comment:

  1. Actually that's a bit harsh on the workshop - I did get one other thing done at the workshop which was to come up with a title for a paper I could actually be writing now, even though my work is 'in progress':

    Is my computer more creative than me? A cross-disciplinary survey of creativity tests and their potential for evaluating machine creativity
